Fellowship: dependence, gratitude, communication and trust


Fellowship amongst us -interdependence, gratitude, communication and a heart of love


Someone who elevates personal convenience above relationship is not really a Christian.


What is the hope of the world if I, a Christian, still fall into the same satanic trap?


Family – mispachah (mish –paw-khaw’)


-Circle of relatives

-Class of persons

-A specie (of animals) or sort (of things)

-By extension; a tribe or people, i.e., kindred


Family and kindred or kindreds are used as the same


If one person in the unit is in rebellion, it can affect all.


I know that the soul that sin must die


But I have also seen from the scripture (both old and new) that one person’s disobedience especially when it is deliberate and premeditated can affect the entire family’s spiritual capacity.


Observe the words

(i)Their houses

(ii) Men that appertained

(iii) Their goods


The children of Israel committed a trespass


Simple English

The children- plural

committed – action

“a” – singular


Israel is my first born, does that not imply a larger family size?


However, by my observation on family disobedience matters, while in the old testament, God’s dealings tended to be swung more towards spotting iniquity, trespass, rebellion, sin and judgment.


In the New testament, it seems to me that The Holy Spirit tends to be more apt towards zeroing on obedience, sanctification and loyalty of one and release mercy.


In the new testament, we see God’s direction after the unveiling of the last Adam.


-The sons of Zebedee

-The household of Simon the leper

-The Lazarus family

-The Cornelius family

-The Zaccheus

-The house of Philip the evangelist, and so on.


Household – bayith (bay’-yith)



Definition: A house (in the greatest variations, esp. family)

-the people of a house collectively

-family including its servants

(adjective- including all pertaining to a household, e.g. furniture)


Now in today’s world, the word servant will mean employees or those joined on payroll of any kind.


If you can do some good things for some people, go right away and do it. It is not just a matter of choice. It is beyond choice for a Christian. It is a moral responsibility, all the time.


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