Call to Worship…for His mercies endure forever!

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” Psalm 103:2

Shalom, Just read of the passing away of Evang Steve Hill. Hmmn…

Although we are consistently called to thanksgiving and worship by our faithful pastors, by the Word of God, and by godly friends there is another source from which we should expect this admonition — our own soul.

David writes, preaching to himself the gospel of grace, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” We should constantly be preaching to ourselves, as David does in the Psalms. It need not be a complicated or particularly academic sermon. It can be as simple as these three words: “Bless the Lord!”

As the first point in his sermon to himself, David exhorts “forget not all his benefits.” The most powerful antidote to depression is a grateful heart. And the most effective way to develop a grateful heart is to consciously, specifically recount the Lord’s blessings and to thank him for each one.

Are you spiritually cold or disheartened? 
Preach this sermon to yourself-bless the Lord, O my soul! Are you discouraged? 
Forget not all his benefits.

“When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.”

Stop! I strongly urge you to STOP for a moment! 

Think about His love towards us. His tender mercies towards us. 
His ability to make ALL things to still work together towards our peace, joy and victory!

Give Him his ‘worth ship’ Sing aloud His greatness! 
To Him that made the heavens and the earth, for His mercies endure forever…
To Him that created the sun, moon and the stars … and hanged them on empty space, for His mercies endure forever…
To Him the slew great kings (principalities, wicked powers, rulers of the kingdom of darkness) for our sakes, for His mercies endure forever…
To Him that declares the He has loved us with AN EVERLASTING LOVE, for His mercies endure forever…
To Him that has affirmed, unyieldingly, that His thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace and not evil, to take us to the divine expected end, for His mercies endure forever…

Majesty…let us worship His majesty… Jesus who died, now glorified, King of All Kings! Amen.

Good morning eagles! 
Good morning friends!
Good morning God’s servants!

God is our goal!

The Liteman T (Toks Oshokoya)

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